Hello everybody, this is George Harvey (aka The Autistic Blogger). It’s been a while, but I’m finally back with a few important announcements.

First of all, in my last update, I said I was starting a new job in Elephant & Castle. I thought it would be a great opportunity to learn new skills and work full-time hours. Unfortunately, things didn’t turn out so well. The traveling was expensive, the pay was unpredictable and I just wasn’t feeling comfortable in the new environment. I think if I had continued, I would’ve lost money and my own self-confidence. So, ultimately, I decided to quit and go back to my old retail job – which my manager very generously kept open for me. Right now, I’m focusing my spare time on job searching, drama rehearsals and community work, in addition to my writing.

That brings me to my second announcement: a new posting schedule.

If you visit my site regularly, you’ll notice I haven’t been posting on it too frequently. In fact, I’ve only made two/three major posts in the last nine months. I do have my reasons. But I realise it’s not very fair on all of you. Whenever you the take time to look at my blog, you deserve to read new and creative content – not just the same boring updates month after month. That’s why, from now on, I’ll be posting new material every 1-2  months. It could be an article, another instalment of Into my Autistic Mind or something else entirely. But I will do my best to give you varied and engaging content as often as I can.

Finally, for those of you who don’t know, April is Autism Awareness month. To help promote it Ambitious about Autism is holding a Youth Lecture event at the Wellcome Collection museum in Bloomsbury, London (Monday 27th, 6:00-9:00pm). I will be attending, along with Johnathan Andrews (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-andrews-bcab-frsa-80482282/) and several other Youth Patrons to take part in a panel discussion. We’ll be sharing our life stories and answering questions on what is ‘normal’ for Autistic people. For more information see our webpage: https://www.ambitiousaboutautism.org.uk/know-your-normal.

That’s all I have to say for now. I hope you’ll enjoy my upcoming content. But for now I’ll leave you with this latest instalment of Into my Autistic Mind (see below). If you have any questions regarding Autism and its effects, please leave me a comment – I’ll be happy to answer them. And, as always, keep an eye out for the next post. Stay tuned.


It’s the 22nd. I’m at my aunt Sarah’s house. We’re having a board meeting. That’s what they – I need to make some corrections. There, done them. As I was saying, my mum and aunts meet up at each other’s houses and they call them board meetings. Mum’s standing next to me. Now she’s sitting down. No unusual thoughts are coming into my mind. Actually, now I say that, I’m thinking of Applejack from Friendship is Magic. I’m sitting next to a bugle (budgie) cage. Actually, no, it’s a canary. My cousin has a canary. And a very barky dog. On the TV they’re talking via out (stupid typos)! They’re talking about the terrorist attack that took place at Westminster Palace – why did my auto-correct insist I include an ‘a’? It’s not called Westminster ‘a’ Palace. My mum and aunts are Laughting and (sorry, laughing) the canary is carping (chirping!) and the dog is barking. I just took a moment to look around the room. I can feel my 3DS – the dog is barking again – I can feel my 3DS, phone and keys in my fleece pocket. A policeman is on the TV reading a statement regarding the terrorist attack. Everyone is talking about Beauty and the Beast. I’m taking every to see it on the 5th of April. Speaking of dates, I’m thinking about March 27th and the panel discussion I’m going to be taking part in at the museum in London. Shey, my other aunt, is whining about something. I wonder what everyone will think – why am I typing random letters sometimes? A couple of times I’ve type ‘t’ even though I’m not writing a word beginning with ‘t’. My aunt Sarah is waiting on the potatoes for dinner. My cousin Charlotte is apparently going to a young chef (thank you auto-correct) – a young chef restaurant at the O2 arena. As I was trying to say, I wonder what mum and my aunts will think when they read this? I usually say on face – hang on – Facebook when I have new content on my blog. I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned them in any instalment of Into my Autistic Mind. Looking at an emoji button on my iPad’s keyboard, I’m thinking of the Emoji Movie. I just had to capitalise the last two words there. Anyway, I just know the Emoji Movie is going to be the death of Sony Animation Studios. That trailer they released of the ‘meh’ emoji is just terrible. I’m thinking of Animat and how he reacted to it on his animation podcast. I left a comment saying #CancelTheEmojiMovie – or something like that – because u (sorry, I) agree with him. Did you know they cancelled a Popeye movie so they could release the Emoji Movie instead? The news isn’t talking about anything except the terrorist attack right now. I probably shouldn’t keep mentioning it. It’s not a nice subject to talk about. I’ve written 487 words now. Well now it’s – hang on my phone just vibrated. I got a message from Sarah – it just vibrated again. It’s just some Facebook notifications. Mum’s talking to everyone about something funny at school. I’m at 525 words now. Shey mentioned my name, but it was a different George. It’s dark outside. I’ll probably put my iPad down soon and play my 3DS before … sorry for the pause there. I’ll probably play it before mum and I go home. I hope I get to finish the review I’ve been working on soon. I can’t believe I stated – started – working on it in January and it’s still not done. I’ve had to focus on a lot of things the last couple of months and I think my writting – writing – is starting to slip. Do you see what I mean. I think I’m writing too many long sentences and trying to finish things as soon as possible without thinking. That’s why it takes me longer. I’ve just corrected a spelling mistake, but it look like we’re having dinner now. I’ll stop things here.

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