Autism, Experiences, Updates

Update September 8th: A new posting schedule (again)

Hello Internet, this is George Harvey (aka ‘The Autistic Blogger’), here with another quick update to my blog.
Things have been quite hectic for me this past month. It’s been one thing after another to the point where I’m starting to feel like I’m back at University again. I don’t officially graduate until October, but that hasn’t stopped me being busy. I’ve had overtime at work, a car to maintain, appointments to arrange, and writing tasks to completed for other people – you may’ve noticed some of my recent posts are copies of those tasks. Not to mention I’ve got things coming up like a holiday, and a trip to the Houses of Parliament with ‘Ambitious about Autism’ – where we’ll be discussing Autism and employability with MPs.
Anyway, because I have a lot on my mind these days, it feels like I barely have the time to focus on any of my personal writing projects. I always want to do a good job with my writing (including my blog posts), but sometimes everything else makes me tired and I produce sloppier results than I’d like to. I’ve also been reminded there are certain things I need to prioritise in my life more than others – like finding a full-time job. It’s hard to accept, but I know it’s all a part of moving forward.
Since I want this blog to be the best it can be, with quality material (and not just multiple instalments of ‘Into my Autistic Mind’), I’ve decided to change my posting schedule, yet again.
For the time being at least, I will only upload posts when I’m able to complete them. I think this is the best course of action for now, because it will allow me time to write to the best of my ability and I won’t need to upload something bad, just because I need something new every week. This will also give me time to think of new ideas for this blog, before the ones I have now run out. Hey, it could happen.
So just to make it clear: this is NOT a hiatus. I will still be posting regularly. It’s just that it probably won’t be once a week anymore. Once my life is less disorganised, I’ll be able to come up with a better timetable. Also, I will still post updates on Facebook and LinkedIn, so you know when something new is up. I just feel that everyone who visits my blog should receive the best of my writing abilities and that’s exactly what I intend to achieve with my new schedule. I hope you will continue to support me and everyone else I’ve mentioned in previous posts, who work hard to raising awareness of Autism. Stay tuned.

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