Autism, Experiences, General, Into my Autistic Mind

Into My Autistic Mind 3

This is my third instalment of ‘Into My Autistic Mind’. Enjoy.

Gosh what a day. What a week. I hope my viewers don’t mind me doing another ‘Into My Autistic Mind’. I wanted to write something else today, but so many things happened that I just couldn’t find the time to do it. Let’s just say I’m job-searching and I’m getting a lot call-backs. It’s almost too much to handle. Of course I want to get a job – who doesn’t. But the closer I get to having the jobs I apply for, the more nervous I get for some reason. I never know how much time it’s going to take me to do everything. There have been times in my life when … well how about that, of all the things to come into my mind right now it’s a scene from ‘My Little Pony’. I actually watched the first ‘Equestria Girls’ movie today. It was quite good. I don’t know why so many Bronies hate it. Well I do, but I don’t see anything seriously wrong with it. The song in the cafeteria scene was so good I kept playing it again and again. I’m also thinking of the direct to video sequel to Disney’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ – the one with Ariel’s daughter. You know, this is why I like my Autistic mind working the way it does sometimes; there are times when things come into my head and I worry so much about them, but remembering the things I love helps calm me. I wasn’t able to do it a lot while I was in university, because my assignments were always on my mind and focusing on them all the time made me sick. Word of advice to everyone: no matter how busy you are, always give yourself time to rest or it will drive you crazy. I’m still thinking of ‘The Little Mermaid 2’. I’m in the living room, right now. Sitting on my brown sofa and I’m still thinking about the song from ‘Equestria Girls’ – you have no idea how hard it is to spell ‘Equestria’ or other words without getting it wrong the first time. Maybe I really shouldn’t have watched the movie this morning. Maybe … Sorry, the ‘Secret Escapes’ hotel advert was on and I heard the creepy whispering it does at the end. Anyway, maybe I should have left ‘Equestia Girls’ for another day, then I could have written at least part of what I wanted to write for my blog today. Oh well, there’s always next week. It’s hard to keep to weekly deadlines. I just really hate having so little time to do things. Even a week isn’t enough sometimes. Back in school, college and university … sorry my stepdad just came home and he’s playing with our dog, Bertie. My mum’s on the other sofa doing school work. She probably gets more tired than me. I have no idea how much my time is going to be taken up in the near future. How will I ever become an author if I never have the time to work on any of my personal writing projects. I have so many ideas in my head, but I just have to get them down on paper. I’m thinking of ‘Spongebob Squarepants’ for some reason – and other Nickelodeon shows. I just checked to see if ‘Nickelodeon’ was a real word – apparently it is. Mum’s still typing on her laptop and I’m thinking of the Disney Channel show ‘Recess’ now. And now the popular ‘Phineas and Ferb’. This may not be the right spelling, but I’m not too fussed right now. The door to our large garden is open to my left and I’m hearing birds. My sister is sitting beside me looking at her phone. I sent off my provisional driving licence today. I’ve past my test and tommorow – excuse me, ‘tomorrow’ – I’m going to be looking on Auto-Trader and Or at least I hope I will. I don’t want anything else popping up out of nowhere like it did today. The TV is turned on to the channel ‘More 4’, but I don’t know the name of the programme. I rubbed my hands for a moment there and I just can’t get ‘Equestria Girls’ out of my head. Isn’t it funny how you always have one persisting thought that keeps coming into your head over and over. I do think of other things. I see a fly on the floor not too far from where my foot is. Now I’m thinking of a ‘Doctor Who’ episode where Sarah-Jane Smith (Elizabeth Sladen) and K-9 came back. I can’t seem to remember the name of the man who played Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. One problem I have with typing on my iPad is instead of hitting ‘m’ I sometimes it hit ‘,’ – the key beside it. Hey, now I’m thinking of really old CBBC shows like ‘William Wish Wellingtons’, ‘Oakey Doke’, ‘Bodger and Badger’, ‘Super Ted’, ‘Banana Man’ and more. But as I was trying to say earlier, when I was in school, college and university I felt I always needed at least two weeks to do any task. Then I knew I could do it in time. One of my biggest fears is never having the time to do everything. Time management is hard sometimes, especially if you have more than one job and a blog. I really hope everyone is enjoying my posts as much as I like writing them. The ‘m’ and ‘,’ problem just happened again. I don’t know why I feel I should let everyone know I enjoy reading Rachel Renee Russell’s ‘Dork Diaries’ series. I just find it to be very funny and entertaining. I hope the books I write one day will be best-sellers like hers. I probably shouldn’t write for too long, otherwise I’m going to have too many tags to attach. I’m glad this blog post didn’t end up sounding negative like I worried it would. I’m thinking of one more scene from ‘Doctor Who’ with Tom Baker offering a skull a Jelly Baby. “Would you like a Jelly Baby?” he says. “No, I don’t suppose you would.” I’m sure I’ll have what I wanted to write this week up next week.

If you enjoyed this very long paragraph of my unfiltered Autistic thoughts, then check out my other instalments of ‘Into my Autistic Mind’. Also have a look at some of the other things I’ve written for this blog. Leave me a comment if you have any questions – I’ll be happy to answer them – and, as always, keep an eye out for the next post. Stay tuned.

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